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Please join us for our All-Star variety show streaming live from New York City into your own quarantine speakeasy!
* pre-show: DJ BRIAN FERDMAN - at 6:45pm
* intro by PATRICK SOLURI of Prohibition Productions - at 7:00pm
* live music by MANHATTAN CAMERATA from Spain - at 7:05pm
* ONLINE DANCE TEACHER SPOTLIGHT: Bobby White, Jaime Shannon, Latasha Barnes, Stina Isaksen - at 7:30pm
* music by ADRIEN CHEVALIER GYPSY Jazz QUARTET - at 7:50
* cooking & swinging in the LINDY KITCHEN - at 8:20pm
* music by PROF. CUNNINGHAM & HIS OLD SCHOOL - at 8:30
* outro by PATRICK SOLURI - c.9pm
* afterparty w/ DJ BRIAN FERDMAN c.9pm;
anyone on Zoom can join on video & dance!
* register on Zoom anytime (it's free & easy) at
* streams simultaneously on Facebook Live - www.facebook.com/prohibitionproductions
* this episode re-streams on our Youtube on March 8th at 1pm EST
* immediately after livestream, the full show will be on our Facebook and a fully remastered version (in HD 1080p w/48k audio) on our Youtube Channel within 48hrs (https://www.youtube.com/c/ProhibitionProductions)
* donate anytime for this episode/cast from March 1st to 14th
* $5-10 min. suggested donation (split amongst all performers)
* PayPal direct link https://paypal.me/ProhibitionProd or to "info@prohibitionproductions.com”
* Venmo to "@ProhibitionProd" or Zelle to "patrick@soluri.com"
* Dj & "doors" at 6:45pm EST // show starts 7:00pm EST
* Schedule posted on registration & Facebook (subject to change)
* streamed live as a "Webinar" so you'll only see video of performers (not video of yourself like a regular zoom meeting).
Our goal during this unprecedented time is to help bring people together from all over the world who share common interests; and provide musicians & performers the opportunity to share their craft with like minded people passionate about music & dance. The QUARANTINE SPEAKEASY now live streams every other Saturday from NYC averaging hundreds of views from over a dozen countries and half the US states.
instigated by Prohibition Productions / Patrick Soluri in NYC.